Whitest Girl You Know

Translucent ruminations of a very pale girl.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Meet the Manimals

::My further scientific study of blogging has produced a photo that didn't take 20 minutes to upload. Now that I see how painless it is, expect more fun things to look at, especially these little devils::

I've been pretty lonely in Boston and these two boys have helped me get through it. The dog you may know as Hugo. He's the love of my life and my little ray of sunshine. He is bionic. The cat is a relatively new addition to our family, his name is Grissom. Yes, like the guy from CSI. Mike got him in Texas to keep the dog company and we didn't talk for over a month because of this (I am very allergic to him but receive monthly chemical injections that build my immunity).

Enjoy these creatures because they'll be frequent quests of this blog because I'm fucking lame.


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