May 9th
Here are my thoughts about today that don't involve crying because I can't take criticism or pets.
Today is the 25th birthday of Tom Schierer. He was the first boy to ever send me a rose and a Valentine's Day card (in 8th grade) and the first penis I ever saw (totally in a non-sexual way...boy I hope my mom never reads this).
Tonight Blonde Redhead played at Paradise, which we all planned on going to.
The first Blonde Redhead album I liked...something to do with Damaged Lemons...the second song that goes "X X X, Alex, I'm you're only friend", reminds me of Alex Burns.
Alex Burns is in town and loves his mom.
Instead of seeing Blonde Redhead, like we've planned for months, Callie and I went to the dress rehearsal of "Giselle" at the Boston Ballet.
I found someone else who wants to squeal at boys in tights.
Instead of sticking around for the whole ballet, we went to KO Prime, formerly Spire, at Nine Zero Hotel.
Tonight has possibly been the furthest I've ever walked in Boston, something close to 10 blocks, which is nothing in NYC.
We ran into Cal's ex on the street which is weird.
Then we began to talk about inferiority complexes with Asian girls, hers brought upon by Braun.
After I dropped Callie off, I met Mike and Braun at the Red Fez, where I was surrounded by Persians before they got there.
Braun plans on sleeping on the couch, I plan on going to bed.
Alex Burns with a bucket of chicken from a publicity shot of the uderrated "Porn and Chicken" movie made for Comedy of his get to see his bare bottom