Whitest Girl You Know

Translucent ruminations of a very pale girl.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Technical Difficulties Averted!

I had to download the guide for my camera (only to find out that Minolta stopped making cameras a year ago) but I got the flash working again!

So I did an incredible buy yesterday. I'm terrible at discount shopping so I'm always proud when I can get a ton of stuff for the price of my Louboutins. Because I freelance, I get to write off everything in the world (still trying to figure out how to write off things like boarding the cat and dog), so when I buy clothes "for tests" it's best to take a pic to prove the use of purchase to back my claim up if I happen to get audited. Speaking of auditing, two (!) people I know told me this past week that they've been audited in the past few years. Scary!

Anyway, here's some of what I bought:

cute green suede flats

sensible heels, a bit too pointy but they do the job

super cute tan suede heels

i probably paid too much for this but it was too cute to give up

i needed a white purse, who can say no to cheap and cheery



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