Why I'm Not Aloud to Talk
Someone is dorking out.
It's one thing when Mike gets a new video game. He's usually over it within a week or two (except the time he was a magical cat - that shit lasted about 2 months). Gears of War, which he claims to be the peak of games for the 360, is his new fix.
That's fine and all, but he's playing online with Shaka. This means the two of them have headsets attached to their controllers so they can talk to each other about killing locust people. They shoot each other on accident a lot too. They're probably going to beat it before the end of the weekend (possibly the day). In celebration, we're going to see Borat (Mike is the only one who hasn't seen it because he's been so busy playing video games).
Don't get me wrong, these are 2 of my most favorite guys in the world. They're cool and funny and with it, but not-so-secretly, inside every cool guy is a little boy who loves video games, cartoons and comic books.
P.S. Shaka lives across the street. At least he isn't in the other room.
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