Vena Cava
Via text message.
My Favorite Scientist: Do u know what vena cava means?
Whitest Girl You Know: Wine Champagne?
My Favorite Scientist: No it's the largest vein in the body. There is the inferior and superior vena cava. They lead to the heart.
Whitest Girl You Know: That's really clever (in reference to the designer label). Are you studying?
My Favorite Scientist: No I'm in class. Isn't science cool?
Whitest Girl You Know: I will never forget what that means! Ur my favorite scientist!
My Favorite Scientist: I hope I can be a successful food dr scientist.
Whitest Girl You Know: You will be because ur smart and dedicated. Bonus points if you can get me to eat my veggies.
My Favorite Scientist:U'll be eating asparagus and butternut squash in no time. xoxo.
In dedication, I google imaged "my favorite scientist" and this appropriately popped up:
I love you!
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